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1. Define styling tools

import { createTools, type Tailwindest } from "tailwindest"
 * Custom type definition of tailwindest
 * @see {@link api reference}
type TailwindCustom = Tailwindest<{}, {}>
 * Full type definition of `tailwindcss`
type Tailwind = Required<TailwindCustom>
const tw = createTools<TailwindCustom>()
export { tw, type Tailwind }

2. Styling tools

A. Define style - style

// Define style sheet
const box ={
    display: "flex",
    alignItems: "items-center",
    justifyContent: "justify-center",
    paddingX: "px-[2.25px]",
    paddingY: "py-1",
    borderColor: "border-transparent",
    borderBottomWidth: "border-b",
    backgroundColor: "bg-transparent",
    transition: "transition",
    transitionDuration: "duration-75",
    ":hover": {
        opacity: "hover:opacity-90",
// Use it in component
const Box = ({ children }) => <div className={box.class}>{children}</div>

B. Conditional styling - toggle

If you want to change the style based on a single boolean condition, use toggle.

// Define toggle style
const themeBtn = tw.toggle({
    truthy: {}, //  🌝 light mode
    falsy: {}, //   🌚 dark mode
    base: {}, //    [optional] base style
// Use it in component
const ThemeBtn = ({ children }) => {
    const [isLight, setIsLight] = useState(false)
    return <button className={themeBtn.class(isLight)}>{children}</button>

C. Conditional styling - rotary

If you need to change styles based on three or more conditions within a single category, use rotary.

// Define rotary style
const btn = tw.rotary({
    default: {},
    success: {},
    warning: {},
    base: {}, //    [optional] base style
// Get rotary type with GetVariants
interface BtnProps {
    onClick: () => void
    children: ReactNode
    type?: GetVariants<typeof btn>
// Use it in component
const Btn = ({ onClick, children, type = "default" }: BtnProps) => (
    <button className={btn.class(type)} onClick={onClick}>

D. Conditional styling - variants

Use variants for combinations of rotary, where each style condition is defined within several categories.

// Define variants style
const btn = tw.variants({
    variants: {
        type: {
            default: {},
            success: {},
            warning: {},
        size: {
            sm: {},
            md: {},
            lg: {},
    base: {}, //    [optional] base style
// Get variants type with GetVariants
interface BtnProps extends GetVariants<typeof btn> {
    onClick: () => void
    children: ReactNode
// Use it in component
const Btn = ({
    size = "md",
    type = "default",
}: BtnProps) => (
    <button className={btn.class({ size, type })} onClick={onClick}>

E. Utility - mergeProps

Use it for merging input styleSheet.

  1. define base style
const text ={
    color: "text-gray-950",
    fontWeight: "font-bold",
    fontSize: "text-base/normal",
    "@dark": {
        color: "dark:text-gray-100",
  1. case A: add specific prop
const SpecificPropsText = ({
}: PropsWithChildren<{
    color?: Tailwindest["color"]
    fontWeight?: Tailwindest["fontWeight"]
}>) => (
            option //   override color and fontWeight
const Some = () => (
    <SpecificPropsText color="text-amber-300" fontWeight="font-bolder">
        It is SpecificPropsText
  1. case B: add styleSheet as props
interface UniversalTextProps {
    children: React.ReactNode
    tw?: Tailwindest
const UniversalText = ({ children, tw }: UniversalTextProps) => (
            tw //   override new styleSheet
const Some = (
            fontFamily: "font-mono",
        It is UniversalText